School Alerts

Behaviour and Culture

Astrea Academy Trust is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. We believe in high aspirations, high motivation and high achievement for all. In order to achieve this, we provide a clear behaviour policy (Positive Behaviour and Relationships Policy), ensuring that students are supported to achieve the high behaviour standards set within academy. The behaviour policy rewards positive behaviour, allowing students to modify their behaviour whilst setting clear boundaries so that students are able to develop and discover their interests and talents and supports their preparation for further education and the world of work. 

Fundamental to the values of the Trust is an entitlement of our students to receive a knowledge rich curriculum, in order to access this, our students must have access to disruption free learning and our teachers must be able to teach without disruption.  The academy operates a firm but fair and just approach, applied robustly and consistently; ensuring that disruptive behaviour by a minority of students does not negatively impact on the experience and future opportunities of the vast majority of students.  

In addition, around and beyond the Academy we are clear that the expectations of behaviour and standards will be upheld. Through focusing on rewarding student’s positive behaviour; students are rewarded with achievement points each time they demonstrate behaviours in line with the Astrea and academy values in lessons, around the academy and beyond.   

All staff are responsible for implementing the behaviour policy consistently. Senior Leaders also ensure high visibility and establish and communicate clear measures to ensure positive behaviours, respect and discipline is always adhered to. 

The academy will work in partnership with parent/carers and they are expected to respect the academy’s behaviour policy and the disciplinary authority of academy staff, by helping to ensure that their child follows the reasonable instructions by academy staff and adheres to academy rules.  

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